Professional References
Jeebee Yim 760.710-9035
Holistic Functional Fitness Trainer
Nicolas Bartolotta, MPT, HHP
Pacific Coast Sports Medicine
Dynamic Contraction Technique LLC
310. 873-4422
Jeebee is a lifelong student of all things relative to functional movement and soft tissue realignment. She is humble and sweet and could literally get along with anyone as though they had been friends for years even though they just met. Her energy is infectious and her optimism a breath of fresh air. And when it comes to work ethic and accountability, she is the master and I trust her implicitly. I am proud to know Jeebee and be able to count her among my friends and colleagues in the emerging genre of Resistance Stretching.
Mary Pat Faley
Director of Tennis
Riviera Country Club
310. 454-6162
Glam Slam Tennis Co-Founder
Supervisor & Colleague
Glam Slam Academy-Bay Area & SoCal
Recovery Trainer
RockTape kinesiotaping
Ki-Hara Stretch Therapy
RolFlex Self Care & Fascia Release
Tennis Fitness & Dynamic Warm-up
Pain Free Tennis, Prepare-Play-Recover Play Stronger & Longer, Foot Release
Renee Sitter, Program Director
Tucson Racquet & Fitness Club
Supervisor 2007-2018
520. 795-5004 X 120
Instructor Postural Fitness Classes
Co-creator of Posture Program
Susan Bianchi, MS
Intrinsic Health Systems Founder
Ki-Hara Master Instructor
NKT Speaker
310. 454-6162
Sean Drake, DC
Athlete Chiropractic Owner & Founder
RacquetFit* - VP
602. 810-6664
Tennis Congress, Tucson
Team RacquetFit
Recovery Room colleague
RockTape, Ki-Hara Stretch Therapy, RolFlex Self Release
RacquetFit Certifications
Master Instructor & Colleague
Ki-Hara Training - Levels I, II, III
Organizer Tucson Training